GRATIS Bolsa de telaraña de Honey Folk

GRATIS Bolsa de telaraña de Honey Folk
The Honey Folk Spiderweb pouch is the second in a series of free patterns I’ve been designing during ‘shelter in place’ do to COVID19. I taught a free bilingual class in 2020 and my friend graciously translated this pattern. The Spanish version of this pattern will always remain free. The English version is available for purchase in my shop Honey Folk Spiderweb Pouch
Handwork has always been my go-to when I need to feel calm and grounded. When we evacuated from our tiny forest in Sonoma County to San Fransisco during the 2019 fires I spent my days sitting on my friend’s couch mending their clothes and drinking tea. It made my heart happy in a really scary time.
I decided to make the pattern a free download because I think a lot of us need something constructive to do with our hands and minds during this crazy time. I think it would make a really sweet gift to send to someone to let them know you’re thinking about them. We all need kindness, compassion, and love right now more than ever.
I hope you enjoy this pattern.
Traducción al español por Natasha Goetz (@orso.objetos)